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  1. Heiko_Feldner,_Kevin_Passmore,_Stefan_Berger_Writing_History_Theory_and_Practice__2010.pdf15.29 MB
  2. Anthony_Grafton_What_was_History_The_Art_of_History_in_Early_Modern_Europe____2007.pdf12.81 MB
  3. Charles_Bazerman_Handbook_of_research_on_writing__history,_society,_school,_individual,_text__2008.pdf10.38 MB
  4. Society of American Archivists. Student Chapter at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. University of Wisconsin--Madison. School of Library and Information Studies The archivist cookbook 2006.pdf10.14 MB
  5. David_W._Noble_Historians_Against_History_Frontier_Thesis_and_the_National_Covenant_in_American_Historical_Writing_Since_1830__1967.pdf8.84 MB
  6. Bernard_Bailyn_On_the_Teaching_and_Writing_of_History_Responses_to_a_Series_of_Questions____1994.pdf6.05 MB
  7. Henri-Jean_Martin_The_History_and_Power_of_Writing__1995.djvu4.71 MB
  8. James_M._Banner__Jr_Being_a_Historian_An_Introduction_to_the_Professional_World_of_History__2012.pdf3.41 MB
  9. Andrew_Green_Writing_the_Great_War_Sir_James_Edmonds_and_the_Official_Histories_1915-1948_Military_History_.pdf3.28 MB
  10. Claire_Bond_Potter,_Renee_C._Romano_Doing_Recent_History_On_Privacy,_Copyright,_Video_Games,_Institutional_Review_Boards,_Activist_Scholarship,_and_History_That_Talks_Back__2012.pdf3.05 MB
  11. David_Der-Wei_Wang_The_Monster_That_Is_History_History,_Violence,_and_Fictional_Writing_in_Twentieth-Century_China__2004.pdf2.61 MB
  12. Dick_Morris_Rewriting_History__2005.pdf2.29 MB
  13. Michael_J._Galgano,_J._Chris_Arndt,_Raymond_M._Hyser_Doing_History_Research_and_Writing_in_the_Digital_Age____2007.pdf2.2 MB
  14. Geoffrey_Batchen_Each_Wild_Idea_Writing,_Photography,_History__2002.pdf2.03 MB
  15. Gabrielle_M._Spiegel_Practicing_History_New_Directions_in_Historical_Writing_after_the_Linguistic_Turn___2005.pdf1.88 MB
  16. Alexandra_Wangler_auth._Rethinking_History,_Reframing_Identity_Memory,_Generations,_and_the_Dynamics_of_National_Identity_in_Poland__2012.pdf1.82 MB
  17. Alter_L._Litvin_Writing_History_in_Twentieth-Century_Russia_A_View_from_Within__2002.pdf1.56 MB
  18. Elizabeth_Anne_Payne_Editor_Writing_Womens_History_A_Tribute_to_Anne_Firor_Scott__2011.pdf1.55 MB
  19. Howard P. Segal(auth.) Utopias_ A Brief History from Ancient Writings to Virtual Communities 2012.pdf1.54 MB
  20. Joseph_A._Amato_Rethinking_Home_A_Case_for_Writing_Local_History__2002.pdf1.51 MB
  21. Celia_Hawkesworth_A_History_of_Central_European_Womens_Writing_Studies_in_Russian_.pdf1.48 MB
  22. April_London_Literary_History_Writing,_1770-1820_Palgrave_Studies_in_the_Enlightenment,_Romanticism_and_the_Cultures_of_Print__2010.pdf1.46 MB
  23. Margot_Finn,_Michael_Lobban,_Jenny_Bourne_Taylor_Legitimacy_and_Illegitimacy_in_Nineteenth-Century_Law,_Literature_and_History_Palgrave_Studies_in_Nineteenth-Century_Writing_and_Culture__2010.pdf1.26 MB
  24. Mark_Freeman_Rewriting_the_Self_-_History,_Memory_and_Narrative__1997.pdf1.23 MB
  25. Mark_Freeman_Rewriting_the_Self_History,_Memory,_Narrative___1993.pdf1.19 MB
  26. Alexandre_Dauge-Roth_Writing_and_Filming_the_Genocide_of_the_Tutsis_in_Rwanda_Dismembering_and_Remembering_Traumatic_History_After_the_Empire_the_Francophone_World_and_.pdf1.18 MB
  27. Immanuel_Kant,_Professor_Pauline_Kleingeld,_David_L._Colclasure_Toward_Perpetual_Peace_and_Other_Writings_on_Politics,_Peace,_and_History___2006.pdf1.03 MB
  28. J.M._Catling_A_History_of_Womens_Writing_in_Germany,_Austria_and_Switzerland__2000.pdf1.02 MB
  29. Marc_Trachtenberg_The_Craft_of_International_History_A_Guide_to_Method__2006.pdf999.77 KB
  30. Arthur_Still_Rewriting_the_History_of_Madness_Studies_in_Foucaults_Histoire_de_la_Folie__1992.pdf994.02 KB
  31. Ann_Heilmann,_Mark_Llewellyn_Metafiction_and_Metahistory_in_Contemporary_Womens_Writing__2007.pdf966.15 KB
  32. Geoff_Gilbert_Before_Modernism_Was_Modern_History_and_the_Constituencies_of_Writing_1900-30_Language,_Discourse,_Society__2005.pdf858.33 KB
  33. James_G._Crossley,_Christian_Karner_Writing_History,_Constructing_Religion__2005.pdf811.52 KB
  34. Stephen_J._Pyne_Voice_and_vision_A_Guide_to_Writing_History_and_Other_Serious_Nonfiction__2009.pdf675.7 KB
  35. Robert_Skapura,_John_Marlowe_History_a_students_guide_to_research_and_writing__1988.epub237.31 KB
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