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TTC - Great Ideas Of Philosophy


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  1. 55 What makes a Problem Moral.avi174.96 MB
  2. 58 Justice and Just Wars.avi174.96 MB
  3. 60 God—Really.avi174.94 MB
  4. 54 Philosophy of Mind, If There Is One.avi174.94 MB
  5. 03 Pythagoras and the Divinity of Number.avi174.94 MB
  6. 50 Four Theories of the Good Life.avi174.94 MB
  7. 44 Marxism—Dead But Not Forgotten.avi174.93 MB
  8. 48 Wittgenstein and the Discursive Turn.avi174.92 MB
  9. 49 Alan Turing in the Forest of Wisdom.avi174.92 MB
  10. 42 The Liberal Tradition—J. S. Mill.avi174.92 MB
  11. 56 Medicine and the Value of Life.avi174.92 MB
  12. 08 Plato's Search For Truth.avi174.91 MB
  13. 37 Phrenology—A Science of the Mind.avi174.91 MB
  14. 20 Secular Knowledge—The Idea of University.avi174.9 MB
  15. 13 Aristotle on Friendship.avi174.89 MB
  16. 47 William James's Pragmatism.avi174.89 MB
  17. 21 The Reappearance of Experimental Science.avi174.89 MB
  18. 17 Roman Law—Making a City of the Once-Wide World.avi174.89 MB
  19. 30 No matter The Challenge of Materialism.avi174.89 MB
  20. 07 Socrates on the Examined Life.avi174.88 MB
  21. 14 Aristotle on the Perfect Life.avi174.88 MB
  22. 04 What Is There.avi174.87 MB
  23. 26 Descartes and the Authority of Reason.avi174.87 MB
  24. 43 Darwin and Nature’s “Purposes”.avi174.86 MB
  25. 52 Philosophy of Science—The Last Word.avi174.86 MB
  26. 05 The Greek Tragedians on Man’s Fate.avi174.86 MB
  27. 10 Plato's Republic—Man Writ Large.avi174.86 MB
  28. 40 The Aesthetic Movement—Genius.avi174.86 MB
  29. 12 Aristotle on the Knowable.avi174.86 MB
  30. 46 The Radical William James.avi174.85 MB
  31. 19 Islam.avi174.84 MB
  32. 57 On the Nature of Law.avi174.84 MB
  33. 01 From the Upanishads to Homer.avi174.83 MB
  34. 59 Aesthetics—Beauty Without Observers.avi174.83 MB
  35. 28 Hobbes and the Social Machine.avi174.83 MB
  36. 51 Ontology—What There Really Is.avi174.82 MB
  37. 11 Hippocrates and the Science of Life.avi174.82 MB
  38. 41 Nietzsche at the Twilight.avi174.81 MB
  39. 09 Can Virtue Be Taught.avi174.81 MB
  40. 24 Let Us Burn the Witches to Save Them.avi174.8 MB
  41. 23 The Renaissance—Was There One.avi174.8 MB
  42. 25 Francis Bacon and the Authority of Experience.avi174.8 MB
  43. 29 Locke’s Newtonian Science of the Mind.avi174.79 MB
  44. 18 The Light Within—Augustine on Human Nature.avi174.79 MB
  45. 39 The Hegelians and History.avi174.79 MB
  46. 53 Philosophy of Psychology and Related Confusions.avi174.79 MB
  47. 02 Philosophy—Did the Greeks Invent It.avi174.78 MB
  48. 16 The Stoic Bridge to Christianity.avi174.78 MB
  49. 45 The Freudian World.avi174.78 MB
  50. 27 Newton—The Saint of Science.avi174.78 MB
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